Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My baby is growing up

Helen has really shown me a lot in this past year or so.  I have learned to appreciate all the little things.  I'm not saying I'm perfect or anything.  We all get frustrated and sometimes just want a moment to ourselves.  This usually comes when it's 3am and I'm awake with a teething baby or it's 11pm and she won't go to sleep.  I have really come to realize how lucky I am that I have those times with her.  She's getting close to a year old and it already feels like she's growing so fast.  One of my friends, Megan,  recently told me Helen is losing her "baby" look.  What?!?!  She's still a baby :)  I suppose she's right.  I'm not really good with change, but I'm going to enjoy all the crazy little moments we have.
This picture just makes me laugh :)

so many expressions

sitting in the big girl tub

always keeping us on our toes

working on her motorcycle

1 comment:

Megan said...

Sorry! Haha. She's turning into a busy little toddler :) Look at her next to the motorcyle!