Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Showers galore!

Jameson was the only male at either shower  :)  What a stud
 CRAZY!  Only 31 days until the wedding.  I can't believe it's so close!  I think having the showers has really made it more real.  

First, my aunts threw me a shower.  We went for mani/pedi's, then back to my place for food and presents.
Love the gifts!  Everyone was so generous.
Having lunch in between activities.

3 generatons

I also had a shower in Bismarck, thrown by Catherine and Megan.  I met a lot of new people, AKA: Mike's family.  Everyone was so nice!  After we finished with the shower, we celebrated :)


Thanks everyone!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Letter M

Only 37 days until the wedding.  I was talking with the girls from work and realized, I will have a new signature soon.  I've spent the last 20 years or so mastering the giant swirly "F" that starts my last name.  Now, how do I make that "F" change to an "M"?  
Swirly M

One suggestion was to change my middle name to "F."  Sounds weird to me....Jessica Ann F Martel?  Oh dear.  

If anyone has any suggestions for me or would like to work on penmanship, let me know.  I'm ready to break out the paper with the dotted center line.  Wish me luck!!!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Small Town Livin'

A funny thing happened, while I had Murphy out for a walk.............
any excuse for a Murphy pic

We ran into the schwan man.

How fun is that?  You are out for a nice little walk with your cute little puppy and a man with a truck full of food is parked one house down from yours.  Nice.......

So, now a nice man named, Leo, will be stopping at my house every other Wednesday evening.  He told me he has been, "Serving the community for 14 years."  Good for you, Leo!  I'm glad to have met you.

Not an actual picture of Leo.  I thought he would think I was weird to take a picture of him after 1st meeting him.


To me, this is a pretty nice perk to owning a home and living in a small town.   I'm pretty sure there aren't Schwan trucks driving around NYC, delivering ice cream sandwiches.......but I could be wrong.