Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Month 5

a sitter?  It lasted just long enough to get this picture

getting ready for easter

Wow!  5 months. 

1.  Helen is starting to like her tummy time more and more. 

2.  Can still roll only from back to tummy.  After being on tummy too long, she freaks out.

3.  Does not sleep through the night anymore.

4.  Wears 6 and 9 month clothing.  Wearing size 2 diapers now.

5.  Loves her exersaucer.  Grabs at all of the toys.  Everything goes in her mouth.  

6.  She pooped in the tub this month :)

7.  Sucks on her toes all the time.  Her footy pj's are usually wet on the toes.

8.  Is able to sit up for about 2 seconds.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Holidays at our house

Everybody knows that Murphy is pretty used to bring dressed up and having pictures taken. Now, Helen is in in the fun! Happy St Patrick's Day!!!