Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Sunday, July 19, 2015

8 mo

8 months went by so fast. 

1. Still no teeth. She lives to eat everything. Her favorites are cheese and mum mums. 

2. Wearing 9&12 month clothing. She has kept me busy with trying to keep up in her clothing sizes. 

3. Army crawls and rolls to get where she wants. She's getting good at going from sitting got scooting and back up again. 

4. Happy and smiley until the camera comes out. 

5. Says "mamamamama" all the time.  

Monday, June 8, 2015


Poor second child.  I missed her 6 month review.  I did take her basket pic though. 

Hazel has been  such a happy and content baby. Grandma Theresa and Grandpa Gene stayed I with her and Helen one weekend. It sounds like it went ok each day until bedtime. At bedtime, Hazel is defenetly a mommy's girl. 

1. Wearing 9&12 month clothing, but her diaper size actually hasn't changed. 

2. Sleeps though the night about 75% of the time. 

3. Loves eating solids.  Still trying to get Cheerios ok her mouth. Eats mum mums all the time. 

4. Really is thriving at daycare. Has a routine because of them. 

5. Starting to like to be outside more.  It's nice because we can sit out there with Helen.

6. Rolls and scoots all over the place. She is so incredibly close to crawling k think it will happen any day. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Daycare follow up

We found a nice daycare in West Fargo. The rate is significantly higher compared to the old one, but I think it will be worth it.  The girls have gone their for a week now and Hazel really seems to be loving it. She's much happier when we pick her up.  Helen is adjusting. She still cries in the morning when dropped off, but plays all day and talks a lot about it when she gets home. 


We are looking for a new daycare. My happy, smiley Hazel just screams all day at her current daycare and she's driving that girl crazy. We are going to check one out in friday. Crossing fingers it goes super! I just have a hard time figuring out why she's so fussy at daycare. Just look at that face!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Hazel hit 5 months on the 6th. Oops. She's been doing great. So smiley. She got to enjoy her first easter at auntie Darcy's and also at home. She did great at church and went to Helen's egg hunt. She slept through that though. 

1. Wears 6&9 month clothing
2. Still rocking size 2 diapers. I didn't realize how many I had bought. 
3. Getting so smart. She likes to sit up and is working in rolling around. 
4. Definetly prefers indoors to out. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Family time

Easter was a lot of fun this year. We got to go to aunt Darcy's for an Easter egg hunt and some egg dyeing. Helen really had fun playing with her cousins. Hazel liked the attention and the fact that everyone carried her around. We had another hunt on Sunday. Helen now associates egg hunts with Grandma Dorene. When she was leaving, Helen, was yelling, "bye! Thank you for the eggs." When I put her to bed tonight she said we have to get more eggs tomorrow. 😊
She likes so sing loud, so all can hear 😜

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

4 crazy months old

I can't believe Hazel us 4 months already.  It seems like she was just that tiny curled up ball that just wanted to cuddle. 

1. She has earned the nickname "princess" because she likes things a bit nicer than helen did.  She's always fought the bottle. Turns out it needs to be warned in a bottle warmer. 

2. Growing out of 3mo clothing. She's chunky, but she's still pretty tall. Wearing siZe 2 diapers. 

3. Sleeps through the night, but doesn't nap very often. We have chosen to be thankful she sleeps at all. 

4. She sleeps in her crib now.  I think she likes it because she can move around more. Funny how much she can wiggle. 

5. Likes her bumbo and saucer. Really getting more alert. Loves watching people and especially helen. She likes to be involved in everything.  

6. Found her thumb!

7. Her smile lights up a room. Good luck catching it on camera! When she smiles, her whole face squishes up. It's the best 😊

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wow 3 mo already!

Hazel has been a busy little girl. So busy I almost forgot to summarize her 3rd month. Good thing I got her sticker pic done on time.

1. Wearing 3mo clothes. Slowly getting into 6mon. 

2. Starting to smile a lot more. Her cheeks really squish up when she smiles. 

3.  Follows us with her eyes. 

4. Still likes to stay up late. She usually goes to bed between 1030-1130 and sleeps until 8 or so. We are very fortunate. Other than than, she doesn't have to much of a schedule. Nap time is only predictable in the morning. 

5. Does not always like to take a bottle. 

All in all we have a pretty laid back little girl. She lets us know what she wants, but doesn't get too overly upset. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

2 months with baby #2

Wow Hazel has grown. She currently weighs 11 pounds 10 ounces. She weighs the same as Helen did at that age. She caught up fast. I'm pretty sure in the past week, she has really done her hardest work growing. 

1. Wearing 3 month clothing along with 6 month sleepers. 

2. Goes to bed at about 1am and sleeps until 8 or 9 am. I'm trying to just be happy she sleeps that long at a time, but 1am seems crazy late. 

3. Favorite activity is sleeping, laying on her play may, hitting toys, watching people, and being entertained by Helen. 

4. She has really started talking and smiling a lot. She does most of this after 9pm.