Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My goodness, she's already 10 months old!

1. Today, Helen weighs in at 19.1 pounds and is 29.5 inches tall.  Growing like a weed!

2. Wearing 9 and 12 month clothing.  Her biggest issue with clothing is that the long sleeves are sometimes not long enough.

3.  Helen is everywhere!  She crawls so incredibly fast, especially if she is going towards something she is not supposed to be getting into.

4.  She has tried all kinds of foods.  She has quit eating babyfood.  She wants nothing to do with a baby spoon.  She wants everything to do with the food mom and dad are eating.

5.  She has 4 total teeth now, 2 on top and 2 on bottom.

6.  We went to Helen's Great Aunt Marie's wedding in Bismarck.  She did pretty good.  We even danced a few dances.  There was a Holkup reunion that weekend too.

7.  A straw sippy cup seems to be the winner of all the sippy cups :)

who made this mess?

1st time down the slide!

Family day at the shop

Bonanzaville Pioneer days


Getting into everything

1 comment:

Megan said...

Love the family picture!!