Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2 months old

I can't believe Helen is 2 months old already.

1.  Loves to lay down and look around at her surroundings.

2.  Wears 3 month clothing and fits in 6 month footie pajamas

3. Sleeps between 6 and 11 hours at a time at night.  Usually it is around 9 or 10.

4.  Bedtime around 9pm.

5.  Really likes bathtime.

6.  Sleeps in rock n play next to mom and dad's bed.

7. Continues to have a special hatred for tummy time.

8. Likes to play pat-a-cake with her feet, be read to, and stand up with assistance.

9. Smiles the most in the mornings and right after napping.

10. Likes to carry on conversations by cooing and making different facial expressions.

11.  Follows people with her eyes.

12. Looks bald, but actually has blonde hair that is about 1/4 inch long.

13. Drinks about 30oz of formula a day.

14.  Has discovered that she has a tongue and likes to stick it out.

15. On December 28, she weighed 11 pounds 11 ounces (75%) and was 24 1/4 inches (97%) Dr. Radke said she's going to be a tall skinny little girl.

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