Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Helen Rose

It has been a little while since I posted.  If you read the last post, we were waiting for our little one to make her appearance.  She did, 1 day before her induction date.  She was born October 22.  8 pounds 1.8 ounces, 21 inches long.  We have already learned that she likes to do things her way.

The day we went home from the hospital
I have been a mommy for 16 days now and have learned a couple things.

1. The baby chooses everything.

2. A baby does not have a routine.  Every day is different.  They trick you into thinking you have things figured out and then the next day it all changes

3. Wow, you really do forget about yourself.  I'm sure Mike is tired of me walking around in my pj's, no make-up, icky hair.  I have been showering daily though :)

4. You need to just go with it.  So what if breastfeeding didn't go like I planned.  I have a happy, healthy baby, who is gaining weight and loves her formula. 

5. Gone are the days of getting to appointments and events on time. 

6. I haven't worked in over 2 weeks and I definitely do not miss it.  It's going to be hard to go back, but at least that isn't until the middle of January.

7.  I am lucky to have a husband who isn't afraid to jump in and help with anything and everything.  He has taken over the laundry duties and many other things.  It's hard to get to the basement and back after a c-section.

8. Don't be afraid to call the doctor.  I think I called my doctor and the lactation nurse at least a few times every week.  An infection was caught early and formula was supplemented right away.

9. Friends and family understand when I don't answer my phone every time they call.  They know I'm busy now.

10. Poop explosions are still funny.  How does all of that come out of a tiny baby? 

11. Formula, diapers, and wipes are EXPENSIVE!!! 

What an arrival!

She already has him wrapped around her little finger

15 days old

Grandma and Grandpa Martel
Great Grandma and Grandpa

Murphy watches over Helen
Uncle Jaden.  I think this was his first time holding a baby.
Jaden felt bad for Murphy, so he had to show him some love too.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Your updates never show up on my blog until late! Thanks for letting me know you blogged :)

I love all of the pictures. Especially the one at 15 days old- she's smiling :)

And FYI- Poop explosions are only funny for a very short while.