Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Friday, January 9, 2015

2 months with baby #2

Wow Hazel has grown. She currently weighs 11 pounds 10 ounces. She weighs the same as Helen did at that age. She caught up fast. I'm pretty sure in the past week, she has really done her hardest work growing. 

1. Wearing 3 month clothing along with 6 month sleepers. 

2. Goes to bed at about 1am and sleeps until 8 or 9 am. I'm trying to just be happy she sleeps that long at a time, but 1am seems crazy late. 

3. Favorite activity is sleeping, laying on her play may, hitting toys, watching people, and being entertained by Helen. 

4. She has really started talking and smiling a lot. She does most of this after 9pm. 

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