Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

4 crazy months old

I can't believe Hazel us 4 months already.  It seems like she was just that tiny curled up ball that just wanted to cuddle. 

1. She has earned the nickname "princess" because she likes things a bit nicer than helen did.  She's always fought the bottle. Turns out it needs to be warned in a bottle warmer. 

2. Growing out of 3mo clothing. She's chunky, but she's still pretty tall. Wearing siZe 2 diapers. 

3. Sleeps through the night, but doesn't nap very often. We have chosen to be thankful she sleeps at all. 

4. She sleeps in her crib now.  I think she likes it because she can move around more. Funny how much she can wiggle. 

5. Likes her bumbo and saucer. Really getting more alert. Loves watching people and especially helen. She likes to be involved in everything.  

6. Found her thumb!

7. Her smile lights up a room. Good luck catching it on camera! When she smiles, her whole face squishes up. It's the best 😊