Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wow 3 mo already!

Hazel has been a busy little girl. So busy I almost forgot to summarize her 3rd month. Good thing I got her sticker pic done on time.

1. Wearing 3mo clothes. Slowly getting into 6mon. 

2. Starting to smile a lot more. Her cheeks really squish up when she smiles. 

3.  Follows us with her eyes. 

4. Still likes to stay up late. She usually goes to bed between 1030-1130 and sleeps until 8 or so. We are very fortunate. Other than than, she doesn't have to much of a schedule. Nap time is only predictable in the morning. 

5. Does not always like to take a bottle. 

All in all we have a pretty laid back little girl. She lets us know what she wants, but doesn't get too overly upset.