I woke up this morning at 0830, 21days away from my due date. We already have a cesarean scheduled for nov 20th, so we really didn't think to have much prepared before then. I was going to walk in on the 20th looking great, prepared for it, house cleaned, kitchen stocked, my sister watching helen.....
Well this baby had different plans. I was pretty sure that my water had broke because you know...... There I was, alone with helen and nothing was packed. Thankfully I was able to get ahold of Ellen to come stay with her and mike was on his way. We got ready and threw a bunch of stuff in the bed to take along. I don't even have an outfit to take her home in. There isn't even a car seat yet! Agh!
Here I sit, #3 for afternoon cesareans. Thankfully there's nothing wrong that would make them push this along. Hopefully nothing happens with the other 2 moms that push me back even more :)
Anxiously waiting!
riding the elevator to the labor and delivery unit |